Research & Education
If you have a question about a product or service and you can't find the answer, dont worry we are here for you!
Addition to our sustainability services we carry out applied research projects and undertake independent research. In particular one of our principle consultant’s, Rochelle Ade has previously undertaken a study into the cost and value of green commercial building rating tools in New Zealand and is currently undertaking research into the cost and value of residential green building rating tools.
Rochelle has published the following publicly available research: Construction costs comparison between ‘green’ and conventional office buildings
BXG runs a comprehensive programme of industry training and workshops. We hold short workshops or masterclasses, ranging from a few hours to a whole day, in a variety of topics that are relevant to the New Zealand green building sector. We can come to your workplace to deliver training to your staff – either one of our established courses, or bespoke training that meets the needs of your team.
Topics include:
· Planning for a Green Building certification. What process to follow to ensure success!
· Product and Material compliance with Green Building Standards.
· Solar Design principles.
And many more…
For more information please email contact@bxg.co.nz