Green Star NZ
Green Star NZ is an Environmental rating system for buildings developed and operated by the New Zealand Green Building Council (www.nzgbc.org.nz). It is a powerful tool that allows building clients to catalyse their desire for environmental initiatives into a simple phrase such as "we shall aim for a 5 star building". This in turn means the design team will explore a number of possible environmental options spread across several major environmental impact categories, such as Energy, Indoor Air Quality, Water, Materials, Waste, etc.
The benefit of designing to Green Star NZ is the possibility of having the building officially "certified" by the NZGBC. This mark of excellence can then be used to the owner's advantage as tenants may be willing to pay a slight premium for a healthy and resource efficient building.
The first Green Star rating tool was launched in New Zealand in 2007 with Green Star - Office Design. This tool was expanded since and has grown into a complete suite of tools to assess communities, base buildings (office, industrial, educational, etc.), Interior fit-outs and ongoing performance. The BXG is qualified and accredited to assist you with any of these rating tools, providing a “one-stop-shop” solution provider for all your Green Star NZ needs.
Possible Ratings
· 4 Star Green Star Certified Rating (score 45-59) signifies 'Best Practice'
· 5 Star Green Star Certified Rating (score 60-74) signifies 'New Zealand Excellence'
· 6 Star Green Star Certified Rating (score 75-100) signifies 'World Leadership'
Please note Green Star NZ does not endorse particular products or brands. To identify which products comply with the requirements of Homestar and can help you achieve points in your Homestar rating please refer to independent third party verification entities such as EnviroSpec www.envirospec.co.nz
How we can help
The team at BXG include a number of Green Star NZ Accredited Professionals, as well as Green Star NZ Assessors. This means that you are in the best possible hands to ensure your project runs smoothly and you obtain successful certification.
In order to award certification, the Green Star NZ Technical Manuals set out a lengthy set of "rules" to be followed in terms of documentation, team members roles, contractual targets and requirements and submission methodologies (including thermal modelling requirements, which the team at BXG is also able to provide for you)
Get in touch now via Contact@bxg.co.nz
More information on: http://www.nzgbc.org.nz/